Verilog HDL - A Guide To Digital Design And Synthesis 电子书下载
For users, the new Bluetooth wireless standard will cut through the complexity of wireless communications, enabling devices to communicate seamlessly. Bluetooth Revealed offers the first insider`s view of the Bluetooth standards: crucial information and insight professionals need to start implementing Bluetooth solutions now. After a high-level introduction to Bluetooth and the standards process, it reviews key design decisions driven by the use of the 2.4 GHz spectrum, power consumption restrictions, requirements for a global standard, and other key issues. It presents each key Bluetooth usage model, including cordless computing, advanced headsets, file transfer/synchronization, dial-up networking, speakerphones and conference table applications, hidden computing, and more. Next, it reviews the entire specification in unprecedented depth: its purpose, scope, structure, and interrelationships. The entire Bluetooth protocol stack is covered, including radio, baseband, and software layers; hardware and interfaces; and Link Manager and Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP). The book also contains detailed information on each major Bluetooth profile, showing how to achieve interoperable solutions for a wide variety of applications. Finally, the authors preview Bluetooth`s future, including new automotive, imaging, printing, and other applications.
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