The Verilog PLI Handbook: A Users Guide and Comprehensive Reference on the Verilog Programming Language Interface

The Verilog PLI Handbook: A Users Guide and Comprehensive Reference on the Verilog Programming Language Interface 电子书下载

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书名:The Verilog PLI Handbook: A Users Guide and Comprehensive Reference on the Verilog Programming Language Interface

The Verilog PLI Handbook: A Users Guide and Comprehensive Reference on the Verilog Programming Language Interface.jpg

The Verilog Programming Language Interface is a powerful feature of the Verilog standard. Through this interface, a Verilog simulator can be customized to perform virtually any engineering task desired, such as adding custom design debug utilities, adding proprietary file read/write utilities, and interfacing bus functional C language models to a simulator. This book serves as both a user`s guide for learning the Verilog PLI, and as a comprehensive reference manual on the Verilog PLI standard. Both the TF/ACC (``PLI 1.0``) and the VPI (``PLI 2.0``) generations of the PLI are presented, based on the IEEE 1364 Verilog standard. The second edition of this book adds detailed coverage of the many enhancements added in the latest IEEE 1364-2001 Verilog standard (``Verilog-2001``). A CD is included, with the C source code, Verilog HDL test cases and simulation result logs for more than 75 complete PLI examples.

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