Editing in ArcMap: ArcGIS 9 电子书下载
ESRI® ArcMap™, part of the suite of integrated applications in ArcGIS™ Desktop— ArcInfo™, ArcEditor™, and ArcView® is used to display and query maps, create publication-quality hard-copy output, develop custom mapping applications, and perform many other map-based tasks. ArcMap also includes a fully integrated editor that can work with versioned multi-user geodatabases implemented within commercial an RDBMS, personal geodatabases, and shapefiles. ArcMap provides an easy and natural transition from viewing a map to editing its geometry. Editing in ArcMap shows you how to put ArcMap to work immediately editing your spatial data. Whether you are just beginning with editing, mapping, and geographic information systems (GIS) or you are a power user, this book makes it easy to identify a task you need to perform—from basic to advanced—and shows you how to get it done. You will learn how to:Perform the basics of the editing environment in ArcMap.Create new geographic data and input features using a digitizer.Edit topological features.Update attributes to geographic and tabular data.Perform spatial adjustments on your data.Create and edit annotation, geometric networks, and dimension features.Create and edit relationships and related objects.Work within a multi-user editing environment.You can begin here with an overview of the ArcMap editing environment and what you can do with it. If you prefer, jump right in and experiment with editing on your own. When you have questions, you will find concise, step-by-step answers inside, fully illustrated, to help you complete a task.
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