Getting Started with ArcGIS: ArcGIS 8 电子书下载
This self-study workbook is a hands-on introduction to geographic information system (GIS) software using the ESRI(R) ArcGIS(TM) Desktop products-- ArcInfo(TM), ArcEditor(TM), and ArcView(R). A GIS is a computer-based system for collecting, storing, managing, analyzing, and presenting geographic information. In this book you will plan and conduct a GIS analysis project with the applications found in ArcGIS Desktop. Those applications are the following: ArcMap(TM) is used for editing, displaying, querying, and analyzing map data as well as performing map layout tasks. ArcCatalog(TM) locates, browses, and manages spatial data. ArcToolbox(TM) is a simple application containing many GIS tools used for geoprocessing. You will learn: Some of the many ways GIS is used today.The structure and use of different GIS data models.How to plan a GIS project and assemble a project database. How to conduct a GIS analysis project.How to present analysis results using maps, reports, and charts. The book`s two parts, "Getting to Know ArcGIS" and "Conducting a GIS Project," include tutorials. The first tutorial will help you quickly learn the basics of browsing GIS data and making maps. The second tutorial will show you how to use the ArcGIS Desktop applications together in the context of planning and conducting a GIS analysis project. Most important, you will learn a framework for structuring your own GIS analysis projects. Getting Started with ArcGIS is the first step with ArcGIS, whether you are an experienced ArcGIS user or a new user just getting started with the world`s most advanced GIS software.
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