Dassault Systemes Inc. Modeling Fracture and Failure with Abaqus 电子书下载
Dassault official course notes on Modeling Fracture and Failure with Abaqus. Workshop notes are included.Course objectivesUpon completion of this course you will be able to:Use proper modeling techniques for capturing crack-tip singularities in fracture mechanics problemsUse Abaqus/CAE to create meshes appropriate for fracture studiesCalculate stress intensity factors and contour integrals around a crack tipSimulate material damage and failureSimulate crack growth using cohesive behavior, VCCT, and XFEMSimulate low-cycle fatigue crack growthContents:Lecture 1 Basic Concepts of Fracture MechanicsLecture 2 Modeling CracksLecture 3 Fracture AnalysisWorkshop 1 Crack in a Three-point Bend SpecimenWorkshop 2 Crack in a Helicopter Airframe ComponentLecture 4 Material Failure and WearLecture 5 Element-based Cohesive BehaviorWorkshop 3 Crack Growth in a Three-point Bend Specimen using Cohesive Connections (Part 1)Workshop 4 Crack Growth in a Helicopter Airframe Component using Cohesive ElementsLecture 6 Surface-based Cohesive BehaviorWorkshop 3 Crack Growth in a Three-point Bend Specimen using Cohesive Connections (Part 2)Lecture 7 Virtual Crack Closure Technology (VCCT)Workshop 5 Crack Growth in a Three-point Bend Specimen using VCCTLecture 8 Low-cycle FatigueLecture 9 Mesh-independent Fracture Modeling (XFEM)Workshop 6 Crack Growth in a Three-point Bend Specimen using XFEMWorkshop 7 Modeling Crack Propagation in a Pressure Vessel with Abaqus using XFEM
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