Banking, Projecting and Politicking in Early Modern England: The Rise and Fall of Thompson and Company 1671‒1678

Banking, Projecting and Politicking in Early Modern England: The Rise and Fall of Thompson and Company 1671‒1678 电子书下载

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书名:Banking, Projecting and Politicking in Early Modern England: The Rise and Fall of Thompson and Company 1671‒1678

Banking, Projecting and Politicking in Early Modern England: The Rise and Fall of Thompson and Company 1671‒1678.jpg

Banking, Projecting, and Politicking uncovers a previously understudied and unacknowledged financial institution in late-seventeenth-century England known as Thompson and Company. Whilst the institution has been briefly mentioned in literary studies focusing on the poet and politician Andrew Marvell, it has never been the sole focus of an economic, financial, commercial, or political study in its own right. As such, nothing is known of how it operated, where it sits in the history of English finance, why it collapsed, or what it can tell us about wider Restoration society and its economic and political culture. Through a microhistorical study, the book reconstructs the institution of Thompson and Company, the social networks of its partners, the identity of its creditors, and the events and circumstances that led to its collapse. The book situates the reconstructed institution within its economic, commercial, financial, and political contexts, using the evidence accrued to question the traditional narrative of financial and commercial development, credit systems, the relationship between economics, finance, commerce and politics, and the place of risk and strategy in gendered relations, credit, and social status. The book will be of interest to academics and students in economic history, financial and business history.

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