Wileys Remediation Technologies Handbook. Major Contaminant Chemicals and Chemical Groups 电子书下载
The world’s first authoritative, all-in-one collection of remediation technologies--a vital reference when time is of the essence
Our world has experienced unprecedented industrial and social progress over the past century. This progress, unfortunately, has often led to new types of environmental pollution, requiring remediation professionals to come up with fast, effective programs to counter their impact. The absence of a one-stop compendium of authoritative information has often hampered those efforts.
Wiley’s Remediation Technologies Handbook fills that void, providing scientists and regulators with the most thoroughly researched, up-to-date collection of general, patented, and trademarked remediation technologies ever published. This one-of-a-kind resource:
- Lists the 368 chemicals and chemical groups that pose the greatest environmental risks, along with brief summaries and case studies of proven remediation technologies
- Organizes technologies in terms of related chemical or chemical group, with references grouped by total costs, technology costs, general studies, and technology descriptions
- Draws on the EnviroGlobe database, as well as peer-reviewed journals, government-issued reports, related conference proceedings, commercial publications--virtually every imaginable source
Wiley’s Remediation Technologies Handbook compiles today’s top remediation technologies and techniques into one well-organized, trustworthy reference. Concise yet comprehensive, it ensures that remediation professionals will always have the best available answer at their fingertips--and is the new standard for professional remediation information and guidance.
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