MAXON CINEMA 4D R18 Studio: A Tutorial Approach 电子书下载
MAXON CINEMA 4D R18 Studio: A Tutorial Approach textbook aims at harnessing the power of MAXON CINEMA 4D R18 Studio for modelers, animators, and motion graphic designers. The CINEMA 4D R18 book caters to the needs of both the novice and the advance users of CINEMA 4D R18. Keeping in view the varied requirements of users, the CINEMA 4D book first introduces the basic features and then progresses to cover the advanced techniques such as MoGraph, XPresso, and 3D Compositing. This book features two projects based on the tools and concepts covered in the book. In this edition of the CINEMA 4D R18 book, new tutorials and exercises have been added to enhance the knowledge of the users.
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