GIS tutorial II: spatial analysis workbook, Issue 1 电子书下载
GIS Tutorial II: Spatial Analysis Workbook offers hands-on exercises to help GIS users at the intermediate level continue to build their problem-solving and analysis skills. Inspired by The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis book series by Andy Mitchell, GIS Tutorial II provides a practical format for GIS users to develop proficiency in various spatial analysis methods, including classification; assessment of quantities and densities; location analysis; change over time, location, and value comparisons; geographic distribution; pattern analysis; and cluster identification. Whether used in combination with The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis books or by itself, GIS Tutorial II: Spatial Analysis Workbook is the perfect tool for anyone who is ready to take their knowledge of GIS technology to the next level. GIS Tutorial II: Spatial Analysis Workbook includes a fully functioning 180-day trial version of ArcGIS® Desktop 9.3 software on DVD and a DVD of data for working through the exercises.
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