Financial Shenanigans: How to Detect Accounting Gimmicks & Fraud in Financial Reports 电子书下载
Techniques to uncover and avoid accounting frauds and scams Inflated profits . . . Suspicious write-offs . . . Shifted expenses . . . These and other dubious financial maneuvers have taken on a contemporary twist as companies pull out the stops in seeking to satisfy Wall Street. Financial Shenanigans pulls back the curtain on the current climate of accounting fraud. It presents tools that anyone who is potentially affected by misleading business valuationsВВfrom investors and lenders to managers and auditorsВВcan use to research and read financial reports, and to identify early warning signs of a company`s problems. A bestseller in its first edition, Financial Shenanigans has been thoroughly updated for today`s marketplace. New chapters, data, and research reveal contemporary ``shenanigans`` that have been known to fool even veteran researchers.
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