Logik und Theologie: Das Organon im arabischen und im lateinischen Mittelalter 电子书下载
The reception of the Aristotelian Organon in the Arabic and Latin Middle Ages sparked a lively debate about the problematic relationship between logic and theology. On the one hand, theology faced new logical theories and methods of argumentation; on the other hand, logic was to provide explanatory models and techniques for the analysis of theological problems. The contributions in this volume discuss this twofold challenge on the basis of key texts and authors, ranging from early Islamic theology to the Christian later Middle Ages. The volume includes contributions by Cornelia Schöck, Gregor Schoeler, Dimitri Gutas, Ulrich Rudolph, Tony Street, Gerhard Endreß, Denis Gril, Anke von Kügelgen, Wilferd Madelung, Mischa von Perger, Luisa Valente, Peter Schulthess, Dominik Perler, Alfonso Maierù, Volker Leppin, Taneli Kukkonen, and Sigrid Müller. Readership : All those interested in intellectual history, medieval philosophy, Arabic language and philosophy, history of logic, as well as history of Christian and Islamic theology.
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