Introducing Volcanology: A Guide to Hot Rocks (Introducing Earth and Environmental Sciences)

Introducing Volcanology: A Guide to Hot Rocks (Introducing Earth and Environmental Sciences) 电子书下载

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书名:Introducing Volcanology: A Guide to Hot Rocks (Introducing Earth and Environmental Sciences)

Introducing Volcanology: A Guide to Hot Rocks (Introducing Earth and Environmental Sciences).jpg

Volcanoes have an endless fascination. Their eruptions are a regular reminder of the power of nature and our vulnerability to this raw geological phenomenon, however volcanic activity, and its plumbing from beneath, is an essential element of the forces that shaped and constantly reshape our planet. Dougal Jerram answers the questions: What are volcanoes? What other volcanic activity is there? How do volcanoes relate to plate tectonics and the movement of continents? What are eruptions and why do they occur? How have volcanoes affected the earth`s climate? Can we predict eruptions? He also describes the most notable eruptions in history and their effect. Copiously illustrated throughout Introducing Volcanology is a concise and accessible introduction to the science of hot rocks for those with an adult curiosity and for those contemplating a course of formal study. As with sister volumes, technical terms are kept to a minimum and a glossary is provided covering the whole subject from ash to zeolites.

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