LaTeX: Beginners Guide: Create high-quality and professional-looking texts, articles, and books for business and science using LaTeX 电子书下载
书名:LaTeX: Beginners Guide: Create high-quality and professional-looking texts, articles, and books for business and science using LaTeX
LaTeX is high-quality Open Source typesetting software that produces professional prints and PDF files. However, as LaTeX is a powerful and complex tool, getting started can be intimidating. There is no official support and certain aspects such as layout modifications can seem rather complicated. It may seem more straightforward to use Word or other WYSIWG programs, but once you`ve become acquainted, LaTeX`s capabilities far outweigh any initial difficulties. This book guides you through these challenges and makes beginning with LaTeX easy. If you are writing Mathematical, Scientific, or Business papers, or have a thesis to write, then this is the perfect book for you.
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