Mastering Excel & Power BI: Learn Everything About Microsoft Excel & Power BI 电子书下载
Learn Everything Excel & Power BI With This Powerful Guide!This book is an in-depth guide on all that Excel and Power BI entails. This book provides in-depth knowledge of Microsoft Excel and Power BI lessons for anybody that is new to these programs, hasn`t used them in a long time, or wants to upgrade his/her skill in their uses.The objective of this book is to assist you in analyzing, manipulating, presenting, and transforming data in Excel and Power BI.This outstanding book is made up of five different books. Below is the breakdown of the contents of this bookBook 1: Microsoft Power BIThis book covers the fundamentals and most commonly used features of Power BI. It is an in-depth guide on all you need to know about data modeling and how to reliably develop data models using Power BI. It includes how to connect data from a variety of sources, comprehends data, build and manage data connections, and design data models. As a reader, you will learn the step-by-step process of how to create relationships and develop a data model using data modeling and navigation approaches before creating new measures and conducting custom computations using modeling features.Book 2: Excel for BeginnersThis beginner`s guide will give newbies to Microsoft Excel a solid foundation, background, and a beginner’s tour on the various functionalities and features packed in Excel, as well as the tools, resources, and abilities needed to perform simple data entries and visualizations. Anyone without a background in data analysis is capable of producing amazing formatting results and visualizations with the lessons provided in this guide.Book 3: Excel Formulas & FunctionsThis comprehensive guide`s goal is to take you by the hand and show you how to utilize all of Excel`s sophisticated formulas and functions. Learn how to utilize the tools that have been handed to you and when to use them. The many examples in the book make it an ideal instructional tool for all Excel users who wish to learn how to interpret, write, and utilize formulas. "Microsoft Excel Formulae and Functions" is an excellent reference for many of the program`s complex formulas and functions for intermediate and advanced users.Book 4: Pivot Table & Pivot ChartGain control of your data and your company by using Excel pivot tables and pivot charts to create powerful, dynamic reports in minutes rather than hours. Even if you`ve never used a pivot table before, this book will show you how to make use of all of its amazing flexibility and analytical power.Book 5: Data Analysis with ExcelExcel`s versatility allows it to be used for business, work data, as a calculator, a data converter, and even as a display sheet for evaluating data. In practice, it has evolved into a critical decision-making aid in the workplace. Excel is all around you, and you rely on it more than you realize or like to admit. With this book in your hands, you will discover all of the tactics for using Excel data analysis to its full potential, making your work much simpler or increasing your chances of landing a job!… and a lot more!
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