Mastering Nginx 电子书下载
NGINX is a high-performance HTTP server and mail proxy designed to use very few system resources. With the many tutorials and example configurations floating around the Web, it is difficult to know how to properly configure NGINX to meet your expectations.
"Mastering Nginx" will serve to clarify the murky waters of NGINX configuration, helping you learn how to tune NGINX for various situations, what some of the more obscure configuration directives do, and how to design a decent configuration to match your needs.
Beginning with an overview of compiling NGINX and describing its basic configuration file format, this guide next takes you on a tour of NGINX`s modules.
From the unique mail module to the upstream module, this book explores the various possibilities of using NGINX as a reverse proxy. The multiple HTTP modules are explained, and the book rounds off the tour with a discussion of troubleshooting.
"Mastering Nginx" will explain all aspects of configuring NGINX to help solve your hosting problems.
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