Introducing ZBrush 4 电子书下载
Design remarkably realistic creatures, people, and objects using ZBrush and the new edition of this top-selling book. Professional Hollywood animator and ZBrush artist Eric Keller combines his firsthand experience with detailed, step-by-step explanations to make you feel right at home with the interface and tools. The book reinforces the core concepts of ZBrush through fun, hands-on tutorials that will help you achieve amazing results. Understand ZBrush`s unique sculpting and painting technologyTake a tour of ZBrush 4`s innovative interface and powerful toolkitWork with digital clay and effectively use the full array of sculpting brushesMaster ZSpheres for armature and ZSketching for creating meshesExplore exciting new tools for creating hard surface objectsLearn how to set lighting, create materials, and render in ZBrushCreate animated turntables within ZBrush to show off your workThe book includes a DVD with example files and models to help guide you through each lesson, as well as movies to show you the sculpting techniques used to create many of the digital sculptures.Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
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