Character Modeling with Maya and ZBrush: Professional polygonal modeling techniques 电子书下载
Create believable CG character models with this unique book and DVD package. The stunning color images show just what you can achieve, and the detailed step-by-step tutorials show exactly how to achieve them. Every technique and tip is backed up with practical tutorials, using the models, textures and video on the companion DVD to offer a crash course to this vital skill. Jason Patnode takes you from low to high-resolution modeling - helping you span the gap between game and film industry skills. Based on Maya 2008 and ZBrush 3.0.You`ll learn: Pipeline and modeling guidelines . Overview of Maya . Introduction to ZBrush modeling . Concept art . Anatomy . Creating a video game character . Creating a hyper-real character . Creating a photo-real character . UVs and texturing . How to create a demo reel * Master professional techniques and workflow processes with clear, easy to follow tutorials* Companion DVD contains video tutorials, plug-ins, models and texture maps as well as high quality art from participating artists* Interviews with professionals connect the concepts to real world workflow and applications
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