Get started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico with errata 电子书下载
You might think of computers as things you stick on your desk and type
on, and this is certainly one type of computer, but it’s not the only
type. In this book, we’re looking at microcontrollers – small processing
units with a bit of memory that are good at controlling other hardware.
You probably have lots of microcontrollers in your house already.
There’s a good chance your washing machine is controlled by a
microcontroller; maybe your watch is; you might find one in your coffee
machine or microwave. Of course, all these microcontrollers already have
their programs and the manufacturers make it hard to change the
software running on them.
A Raspberry Pi Pico, on the other hand, can be easily reprogrammed over a
USB connection. In this book, we’ll look at how to get started with
this hardware, and how to work with other electronic components. By the
end of the book, you’ll know how to create your own programmable
electronic contraptions. What you do with them is up to you.
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