软件测试的艺术(原书第2版) Ruan jian ce shi de yi shu (The Art of Software Testing) 电子书下载
Paperback. Pub Date: 2006 01 of Pages: 122 in Publisher: China Machine Press book to a self-evaluation test begins. start to explore the psychology and economics of software testing code inspections. walkthroughs and review test cases design. module testing. system testing. debugging and other topics. as well as the ultimate test. Internet applications testing and other advanced topics. a complete picture of the thinking of the author of the software testing. This book is excellent work in the field of software testing. and its structure is reasonable. concise language fluency. The book is suitable to do as software testing practitioners Reference Manual. as well as institutions of higher learning software testing course textbook or reference book. Contents: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Economics. Psychology. psychology and economics of software testing 2.1 software testing 2.2 softw...
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