Achieve Your Full Potential: 1800 Inspirational Quotes That Will Change Your Life 电子书下载
Do you know that know that scientists claim that we only use 10% or less of our brain at any given time? Imagine if we were able to use the whole 100%... Unfortunately, I don`t know the secret to unlocking the 90% or so of your brain. However, I do know the secret to changing your life which is outlined in these 1800+ quotes.Arranged in 21 different categories, this covers a wide range of topics, from motivation to success, winning, leadership, character, dreams, determination, love, happiness, and greatness.From people such as Walt Disney, Confucius, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ronald Reagan, you can be assured that no famous person has been missed out. But time`s a wasting, so let`s cut the chit chat and get down to what you came here to do, to change your life, both inside and out.
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