The Latter Stage Jeet Kune Do: The Beginner’s Guide to the Martial Arts Developed by Bruce Lee 电子书下载
This is a fully illustrated How to Book in the Latter stage of Jeet Kune Do. Train the way Bruce Lee trained in the Final Stage of Jeet Kune Do`s development and evolution. The Jeet Kune Do Handbook that shows you the training drills, Techniques and Basic Movements, that are only discussed in JKD seminars . This book shows you the basic techniques and drills needed to practice the latter stage Jeet kune do .The hand before foot technique. The basic weapons, movements and footwork. The Fundamentals of the Jeet Kune Do kicking techniques. The 5 ways of attacks was discussed and shown in a step by step manner that is easy to follow. With 1000 instructional Photos and illustrations to guide you to do the techniques correctly and help you to develop your own combinations . This Book covers all the aspect of the Latter Stage of Jeet Kune Do. Simplicity . Using No Way as Way, Using No Limitation as Limitation. This book is a road map for your own self expression.
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