Study on the types of propellants and stabilizers used in shotgun cartridges from various brands 电子书下载
Malaysian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 5(1).Cases involving shotgun occur frequently in Malaysia. Propellants are always found at the crime scenes. This research is conducted to classify the propellants based on their physical properties, types of propellant either nitrocellulose (NC) or nitroglycerine (NG) and types of stabilizer used according to their brands and shot sizes. Brands of manufacturer that are used in this research are SME with shot size 6, Winchester with shotsize 6, 7 ½ and 8, Fiocchi with shot size 7 and Remington with shot size 6. A stereo microscope is used to observe physical properties such as size and shape of the propellant. Colour of the propellant was compared against Munsell System Colour Chart. To determine the type of propellant, either nitrocellulose or nitroglycerine, TLC method is used, solvents that are used in this method are toluene and ethyl acetate with the ratio 9:1. These solvents act as a mobile phase. Modified reagent Griess is also used to stain the NC or NG with orange spot. It was found that propellant from SME and Fiocchi is SB propellant while Winchester and Remington is DB propellant. To determine the types of stabilizers, UPLC is used. Acetonitrile and pure water were used in a 6:4 ratio. DPA has a retention time around 3.817 minutes while EC around 4.786 minutes. It was found that all samples have DPA stabilizers while only Remington and SME 6 have EC stabilizers. Thus, stabilizers of the propellant cannot be discriminated. Based on the results of physical properties, it was found that the propellants can be discriminated as there was significant difference between the brands.
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