20 Questions...Answered: Informative Stories on Topics of Interest to the Modern Student-Book 2 电子书下载
20 Questions...Answered is a three book series of reproducible low level ESL/EFL/Literacy reading and discussion texts. Each unit examines an element of life currently of interest. From popular interest in Dinosaurs, in the Internet, in Plastic Surgery, in Cameras in the Courtroom, and in Endangered Species, 20 Questions...Answered covers them all, and many more! Put quite plainly, 20 Questions...Answered is full of informative stories, with exercises, on topics of interest to the modern student. Topics include: 1.Recycling 2.Ghosts and the Paranormal 3.Snowboarding 4.The Baltic States 5.Single Parent Families 6.World Heritage Sites 7.Slang 8.Video Games 9.Pro Athlete Today 10.Tobacco 11.Special Effects 12.Satellites 13.Killer Bees 14.Generation X 15.CD-ROM 16.Cold War 17.Rain Forests 18.NAFTA 19.Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria 20.The Internet
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