The Evolution of the Blast Beat By Derek Roddy 电子书下载
An in-depth look at today`s extreme metal drumming styles, this book was written by one of the genre`s emerging leading practitioners, Derek Roddy. The book covers extreme styles such as speed metal, grindcore and death metal but is also designed to improve speed, coordination, endurance and independence as well as balance and breathing that are crucial for all styles of playing. Drummers, teachers, and students will learn the history and evolution of this underground playing style that includes bomb blasts, hyper blasts, freehand blasts and traditional blasts while also learning the essential techniques needed to develop and execute the high-speed patterns. An accompanying audio CD features recorded examples, exercises, grooves and loops, plus three extreme metal play-along songs with charts and transcriptions. Having had an interest in music from an early age, Derek Roddy came to be a fan of music long before becoming a musician. Although Derek is capable of playing many instruments and styles, he is known throughout the Death Metal community for his phenomenal, physical, inventive and inspiring drumming. He has performed with such bands as: Serpents Rise, Traumedy, Hate Eternal, Malevolent Creation, Nile, Divine Empire, Aurora Borealis and Council of the Fallen.
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