謎語 第一集 Chinese Riddles 1

謎語 第一集 Chinese Riddles 1 电子书下载

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书名:謎語 第一集 Chinese Riddles 1

謎語 第一集 Chinese Riddles 1.jpg

During the Lunar New Year and especially during the Lantern Festival, Chinese, young and old, engage in a favorite cultural recreational activity-guessing riddles. Most riddles are descriptions of, or metaphors for, the characteristics of external phenomena or the behavioral attributes of a broad range of creatures and things. Since the birth of the Republic of China, the Folklore Society at Chungshan University has collected and published many traditional riddle books. The riddles presented in The Overseas Chinese Library are selected from these publications. We have also collected more recent riddles about modern things for our Library. Because Chinese riddles are rhymed and full of fun, they are loved by children.

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