SciPy and NumPy: An Overview for Developers 电子书下载
Want to learn SciPy and NymPy quickly? Cut through the complexity of online documentation with this concise and illustrated book, and discover how easily you can get up to speed with these Python libraries. You’ll understand why they’re powerful enough for many of today’s leading scientists and engineers.Learn how to use NumPy for numerical processing, including array indexing, math operations, and loading and saving data. With SciPy, you’ll work with advanced mathematical functions such as optimization, interpolation, integration, clustering, statistics, and other tools that take scientific programming to a whole new level. This book also introduces add-on SciKits packages that focus on advanced imaging algorithms and machine learning.Learn the capabilities of NumPy arrays, element-by-element operations, and core mathematical operations Solve minimization problems quickly with SciPy’s optimization package Use SciPy functions for interpolation, from simple univariate to complex multivariate cases Apply a variety of SciPy statistical tools such as distributions and functions Learn SciPy’s spatial and cluster analysis classes Save operation time and memory usage with sparse matrices Delve into scikits-image for advanced imaging capabilities, and scikits-learn for machine learning and data mining
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