Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra Commentary on the All-Creating King Pure Perfect Presence Great Perfection of All Phenomena Volume Five (Chapters 58-69 of the kun byed rgyal po)

Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra Commentary on the All-Creating King Pure Perfect Presence Great Perfection of All Phenomena Volume Five (Chapters 58-69 of the kun byed rgyal po) 电子书下载

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书名:Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra Commentary on the All-Creating King Pure Perfect Presence Great Perfection of All Phenomena Volume Five (Chapters 58-69 of the kun byed rgyal po)

Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra Commentary on the All-Creating King Pure Perfect Presence Great Perfection of All Phenomena Volume Five (Chapters 58-69 of the kun byed rgyal po).jpg

About the book Pure Perfect Presence, through sound, light and rays, manifests all phenomena of the universe. The universe is already primordially enlightened as the non-dual state of compassionate energy and empty wisdom. Primordial liberation is not produced by antidotes, trainings, purifications or transformations. Pure Perfect Presence manifests teachers and teachings which correspond to the interests and capacities of students in different times and places. Practitioners create the fatal obstacle of dualism by struggling with different methods to product enlightenment. Practitioners deviate from the direct experience of all-pervasive limitless dzogchen by taking refuge in views, meditations, initiations, mandalas, samayas, behavior, paths, levels, subtle teachings and sacred activities. Realization of unfabricated freedom beyond concepts and activities arises through total relaxation in the dzogchen transmission of Pure Perfect Presence. The fundamental tantra of Dzogchen Semde, Kunjed Gyalpo, was re-transmitted On this planet by Guru Garab Dorje a fee hundreds years after Buddha Shakyamuni`s parinirvana. The tantra directly explains instantaneous primordial enlightment beyond cause and effect. The twentieth century abbot Khenpo Zhenphen Öser wrote this commentary named Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra with 2400 Tibetan folios, the commentary explains all 84 chapters of the Kunjed Gyalpo. Volume Five of the Gunjed Gyalpo Series, includes the root and commentary on chapters 58-69. About the author Jim Valby was born on 3 September 1946 and grew up in Rochester, New York, USA, where he attended Roman Catholic elementary and high schools. He graduated from Middlebury College with a Physics degree and worked as an engineer. From 1971 to 1983 he attended graduate school while driving a school bus, programming computers, teaching violin, and running a nuclear reactor. He earned Masters and Doctorate degrees in Tibetan Buddhism focusing on Shrisingha, Vimalamitra, and computers at the University of Saskatchewan under Professor Herbert Guenther. In 1982 he participated in his first retreat with Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. Since 1989 he has lived in Western Massachusetts, near the Dzogchen Community’s North American base Tsegyalgar East, working on translations from Tibetan, transcripts of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu retreats, and other Dzogchen Community projects. From 1999 to 2010 he led 121 Santi Maha Sangha (SMS) practice retreats. He is an authorized SMS instructor of the Base, First, and Second Levels. Some of his other translation work is listed in http://sites.google.com/site/jimvalbythings/. Since 2003 he has also worked for the Ka-ter Translation Project.

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