6502 systems programming 电子书下载
Move down into the bits and bytes of 6502 systems programming!
Now there`s a practical, do-it-yourself guide for anyone who`s
interested in learning the basics of elementary systems programming — and has a
6502 based personal microcomputer (like those from Apple, Atari, Commodore, Ohio
Scientific, Rockwell, and Supertek).
6502 SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING completely, clearly, and thoroughly explains the design of
asmall, single-user operating system. Here`s how.
First, it focuses exclusively on microcomputer systems programming, rather
than interfacing. It not only describes program structures, debugging strategies, and
documentation — it also presents the gamut of systems programs from tape VO
programs to the step-by-step coding of an assembler.
Second, it uses BREVITY, a very appropriately named nonstandard assembly lan-
guage, tor the 6502 microprocessor. BREVITY was specifically designed for maximum
efficiency in assembly language programming on 6502 systems containing no more
than 12-16K bytes of primary memory and only tape cassette secondary storage. (Of
course, with a 48K byte primary memory and a floppy disk, using BREVITY means
there`s lots of room left over for your systems programs.) It is precise, readable, and
extremely easy to learn and has these novel features:
® Two-character labels, one-character mathematical opcodes, one-character address-
ing mode syntax, and locally defined labels.
® No statement is longer than eight characters — so a source program is only three or
four times as long as the object program it produces.
® A 300 line BREVITY program can be listed on a single page.
Third, no other book gives the kind of current, in-depth treatment of assembly
language design and assembler design. This unique, Conventional coverage fully
demonstrates assembly language design and addresses detailed assembler design,
including all coding,
Cover design by Peter deAngeli
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