Linux in easy steps using Linux mint 2018

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   9,349,819 Books84,837,646 ArticlesZLibrary HomeSign in DonateMain Linux in Easy Steps: Illustrated Using Linux Mint, 6th EditionLinux in Easy Steps: Illustrated Using Linux Mint, 6th EditionMike McGrath5.0 / 0Linux has become an increasingly popular alternative to the Windows operating system. The reasons for its growing appeal are manifold: Linux is an extremely stable operating system that serves as a platform for an ever-growing number of quality applications; it has become more user-friendly with each version released; and perhaps best of all… it`s free!Linux in easy steps, 6th edition explains the Linux environment and how to get more out of this popular free operating system.It starts by showing how to download, install and customize Linux, guides you around the Desktop, and then introduces many great apps, including:• The LibreOffice suite of apps: Writer (word processor), Calc (spreadsheet), Impress (presentation), Draw (drawing tool, for creating drawings, charts, diagrams and graphs), and Base (database).• Firefox for browsing the web.• Thunderbird for exchanging emails.• GIMP, Pix, VLC and Rhythmbox media apps to edit photos & videos, and enjoy music & movies.This guide even shows how to use the powerful Linux shell to communicate directly with the kernel at the very heart of Linux, for total control.Linux in easy steps, 6th edition opens the door to a whole new world of digital possibilities using Linux.Illustrated using Linux Mint.Table of Contents• Getting Started• Exploring the Desktop• Setting Preferences• Touring the File System• Engaging the Internet• Producing with Office• Organizing Multimedia• Employing Utilities• Commanding the Terminal• Performing Operations   Categories:ComputersYear:2018Edition:6Publisher:In Easy Steps LimitedLanguage:EnglishISBN 13:9781840788419File:AZW3 , 15.11 MB Download (azw3, 15.11 MB)Toggle Dropdown Send-to-Kindle or Email You may be interested inPowered by Rec2Me Most frequently terms click450linux233menu162files150directory146app136select120desktop99user96dialog86linux mint86launch66icon50libreoffice49format44click menu44apps42folder40default40prompt38archive38printer37document37manager36browser35install35directories35toolbar34context menu34boot34download33pane32commands31summary31password31sub30installation29gimp29users29settings29permissions29documents29home directory29terminal28superuser28sudo28usb26output24viewer24installed24taskbar23package23edit23launcher23mouse23preferences23distros22delete22text files22distro22  Post a Review To post a review, please sign in or sign upYou can write a book review and share your experiences. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books you`ve read. Whether you`ve loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them.TOR version" forevermutated="true">Free ebooks since 2009. [email protected] FAQ BlogTOR version" forevermutated="true">PrivacyDMCAEnglish Secure Unmetered VPNBack to HomepageIssues / Requests / SupportEmail us at proxies[at]4everproxy[dot]comThis site is part of the 4everproxy Network

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