How to Do Everything: Ubuntu 电子书下载
Your hands-on guide to Ubuntu
Now it`s easier than ever to get the most out of this wildly popular version of Linux. How to Do Everything: Ubuntu leads you through the interface, the built-in applications, and the process of installing software and peripherals. You`ll get details on the full-featured productivity suite, as well as the fun side of Ubuntu, including graphics, photos, music, videos, and games. Maximize the power of Ubuntu-on PCs or Macs-with help from this practical guide.
- Install Ubuntu and navigate the GNOME desktop
- Add hardware, software, and peripheral devices
- Secure your computer with Firestarter, anti-virus programs, and backup/restore software
- Use the suite components-Writer, Calc, Base, Impress, Math, and Draw
- Set up a network and connect to the Internet via Firefox
- Create and publish your own website
- Use Windows applications in Ubuntu
- Play games and enjoy multimedia applications
- Work with Linux shell commands
- Learn to use the vi and Emacs text editors
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