Mastering AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD LT 2008 电子书下载
The World`s Bestselling AutoCAD Resource Fully Updated for 2008There`s a reason why Mastering AutoCAD is so popular year after year. Loaded with concise explanations, step-by-step instructions, and hands-on projects, this comprehensive reference and tutorial from award-winning author George Omura has everything you need to become an AutoCAD expert.If you`re new to AutoCAD, the tutorials will help you build your skills right away. If you`re an AutoCAD veteran, Omura`s in-depth explanations of the latest and most advanced features, including the exciting annotation, notes, and layer properties features, will turn you into an AutoCAD pro. Whatever your experience level and however you use AutoCAD, you`ll refer to this indispensable reference again and again.
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