A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux 电子书下载
Книга A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux A Practical Guide to Ubuntu LinuxКниги Linux Автор: Mark G. Sobell Год издания: 2008 Формат: pdf Издат.:Prentice Hall Страниц: 1142 Размер: 10.7 ISBN: 978-0-13-236039-5 Язык: Английский0 (голосов: 0) Оценка:The Most Complete, Easy-to-Understand, and Useful Guide to Ubuntu Linux Desktops and ServersUbuntu Linux is a state-of-the-art operating system, and you need a book that’s just as advanced. Along with being the most comprehensive reference to installing, configuring, and working with Ubuntu, A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux® also provides extensive server coverage you won’t find in any other Ubuntu book.Best-selling author Mark Sobell begins by walking you through every feature and technique you need to know, from installing Ubuntu–using the DVD included with the book–to working with GNOME, Samba, exim4, Apache, DNS, NIS, firestarter, and iptables. Sobell’s exceptionally clear explanations demystify everything from system security to Windows file/printer sharing.Sobell presents full chapters on using Ubuntu from the command line and GUI; thorough system administration and security guidance; and up-to-the-minute, step-by-step instructions for setting up networks and every major type of Internet server. Along the way, you’ll learn both the “hows” and the “whys” of Ubuntu. Sobell knows every Linux nook and cranny: He’s taught hundreds of thousands of readers and never forgets what it’s like to be new to Linux. Whether you’re a user, administrator, or programmer, this book gives you all you need–and more.This book delivers…* Deeper coverage of the command line and the GNOME GUI, including GUI customization* Coverage of important Ubuntu topics, such as sudo and the new Upstart init daemon* More practical coverage of file sharing with Samba, NFS, and FTP* More detailed, usable coverage of Internet server configuration, including Apache, exim4, and DNS/BIND* More state-of-the-art security techniques, including firewall setup using firestarter and iptables, as well as a full chapter on OpenSSH and an appendix on security* Deeper coverage of “meat-and-potatoes” system and network administration tasks–from managing users to CUPS printing, configuring LANs to building a kernel* A more practical introduction to writing bash shell scripts* Complete instructions on how to keep your Linux system up-to-date using aptitude, Synaptic, and the Software Sources window* And much more...including a 500+ term glossary, five detailed appendixes, and a comprehensive index to help you find what you need fastAbout the AuthorMark G. Sobell is President of Sobell Associates Inc., a consulting firm that specializes in UNIX/Linux training, support, and custom software development. He has more than twenty-five years of experience working with UNIX and Linux systems and is the author of many best-selling books, including A Practical Guide to Red Hat® Linux®, Third Edition; A Practical Guide to Linux® Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming; and A Practical Guide to UNIX® for Mac OS® X Users (coauthored with Peter Seebach), all from Prentice Hall, and A Practical Guide to the UNIX System from Addison-Wesley.
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