Zabbix Network Monitoring Essentials: Your one-stop solution to efficient network monitoring with Zabbix 电子书下载
书名:Zabbix Network Monitoring Essentials: Your one-stop solution to efficient network monitoring with Zabbix
This book will help you to implement a powerful network monitoring solution based on Zabbix. Beginning with the installation of Zabbix, you will be guided through the complex task of designing, configuring, and deploying an enterprise class solution to efficiently monitor the networking infrastructures. Focusing on DNS and proxies, IT admins will learn how to effectively monitor a large network using Zabbix. Starting with a quick walk-through of the basics, this book will prove to be an invaluable tutorial if you intend to deploy a robust and secure monitoring system for your networking environment with 24/7 automated reporting and logging. With extensive coverage of network topology with maps and graphs, this book will enable you to set up an effective monitoring solution for your network infrastructure. The book`s fast-paced, easy-to-follow approach ensures that you`ll learn everything quickly and efficiently.
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