IELTS Model Essays: 65 Sample IELTS Essays 电子书下载
The IELTS Model Essays book is packed full of high-scoring IELTS essays so is an excellent resource for studying how to write IELTS essays - from understanding the types of topics that come up to structuring your essay and presenting your ideas.Each essay has tips and advice to help you understand the approach to writing it and why it was a good essay. These tips mainly focus on aspects related to the IELTS grading system, namelyTask ResponseCoherence and CohesionLexical ResourceGrammatical Range and AccuracyThe chapters of the eBook are divided up into the common types of questions that appear in IELTS for easy reference, which areAgree / DisagreeDiscuss Two OpinionsCauses (and Effects; Solutions; Pros/Cons)Problems and SolutionsAdvantages and DisadvantagesOther Types of QuestionsThe essay is written with IELTS in mind, however the book will be useful if you generally want to understand how to write short essays for tests such as TOEFL and other exams or for university more generally.
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