Complete IELTS (Bands 4-5) Students Book with Answers [Official Cambridge Preparation Materials for IELTS] 电子书下载
书名:Complete IELTS (Bands 4-5) Students Book with Answers [Official Cambridge Preparation Materials for IELTS]
Автор - Гай Брук-Харт и Ванесса Джейкман (Guy Brook-Hart and Vanessa Jakeman)
Издатель - Cambridge University Press
Год издания - 2012 г.
Страниц - 203
Студенческий учебник для подготовки к экзамену IELTS, уровеня средного (4-5 баллов по IELTSу).Complete IELTS combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with stimulating topics aimed at young adults wanting to study at university. It is designed to introduce students to the critical thinking required for IELTS and provide strategies and skills to maximise their score. The 10 topic-based units offer step-by-step approach to completing the different task-types for reading and listening and stimulating speaking activities to increase confidence and fluency. A Language Reference provides further grammar and vocabulary explanations and examples while Writing and Speaking References complete with tasks, sample answers and exercises. The Student`s Book includes a full IELTS practice test, CD-ROM containing additional skills, grammar and vocabulary exercises and answer keys with sample answers.
Издатель - Cambridge University Press
Год издания - 2012 г.
Страниц - 203
Студенческий учебник для подготовки к экзамену IELTS, уровеня средного (4-5 баллов по IELTSу).Complete IELTS combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with stimulating topics aimed at young adults wanting to study at university. It is designed to introduce students to the critical thinking required for IELTS and provide strategies and skills to maximise their score. The 10 topic-based units offer step-by-step approach to completing the different task-types for reading and listening and stimulating speaking activities to increase confidence and fluency. A Language Reference provides further grammar and vocabulary explanations and examples while Writing and Speaking References complete with tasks, sample answers and exercises. The Student`s Book includes a full IELTS practice test, CD-ROM containing additional skills, grammar and vocabulary exercises and answer keys with sample answers.
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