Modeling Enterprise Architecture with TOGAF. A Practical Guide Using UML and BPMN

Modeling Enterprise Architecture with TOGAF. A Practical Guide Using UML and BPMN 电子书下载

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书名:Modeling Enterprise Architecture with TOGAF. A Practical Guide Using UML and BPMN

Modeling Enterprise Architecture with TOGAF. A Practical Guide Using UML and BPMN.jpg

Modeling Enterprise Architecture with TOGAF explains everything you need to know to effectively model enterprise architecture with The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), the leading EA standard. This solution-focused reference presents key techniques and illustrative examples to help you model enterprise architecture. This book describes the TOGAF standard and its structure, from the architecture transformation method to governance, and presents enterprise architecture modeling practices with plenty of examples of TOGAF deliverables in the context of a case study. Although widespread and growing quickly, enterprise architecture is delicate to manage across all its dimensions. Focusing on the architecture transformation method, TOGAF provides a wide framework, which covers the repository, governance, and a set of recognized best practices. The examples featured in this book were realized using the open source Modelio tool, which includes extensions for TOGAF.Includes intuitive summaries of the complex TOGAF standard to let you effectively model enterprise architectureUses practical examples to illustrate ways to adapt TOGAF to the needs of your enterprise Provides model examples with Modelio, a free modeling tool, letting you exercise TOGAF modeling immediately using a dedicated tool Combines existing modeling standards with TOGAF

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