Optimizing Visual Studio Code for Python Development: Developing More Efficient and Effective Programs in Python 电子书下载
书名:Optimizing Visual Studio Code for Python Development: Developing More Efficient and Effective Programs in Python
Learn Visual Studio Code and implement its features in Python coding, debugging, linting, and overall project management. This book addresses custom scenarios for writing programs in Python frameworks, such as Django and Flask.The book starts with an introduction to Visual Studio Code followed by code editing in Python. Here, you will learn about the required extensions of Visual Studio Code to perform various functions such as linting and debugging in Python. Next, you will set up the environment and run your projects along with the support for Jupyter. You will also work with Python frameworks such as Django and go through data science specific-information and tutorials. Finally, you will learn how to integrate Azure for Python and how to use containers in Visual Studio Code.Optimizing Visual Studio Code for Python Development is your ticket to writing Python scripts with this versatile code editor.What You`ll LearnExecute Flask development in Visual Studio Code for control over libraries used in an applicationOptimize Visual Studio Code to code faster and betterUnderstand linting and debugging Python code in Visual Studio CodeWork with Jupyter Notebooks in Visual Studio CodeWho This Book Is ForPython developers, beginners, and experts looking to master Visual Studio Code
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