Film Noir: Films of Trust and Betrayal (The Pocket Essential) 电子书下载
The laconic private eye . . . the corrupt cop . . . the heist that goes wrong . . . the femme fatale with the rich husband and dim lover—all are trademark characters of the movement known as film noir, that elusive mixture of stark lighting and even starker emotions. "Noir" explores the dark side of post-war society—gangsters, hoodlums, prostitutes, and killers—and shows how it corrupted the good and the beautiful. Many of these films are now touchstones of classic Hollywood—The Maltese Falcon (1941), The Big Sleep (1946), Double Indemnity (1944), and The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946). This Pocket Essential charts the progression of the noir style as a vehicle for filmmakers, who wanted to record the darkness at the heart of American society as it emerged from World War into Cold War. As well as an introductory essay on the origins of film noir, this guide discusses all the classics from the heyday of the movement in detail and includes a handy reference section for readers who want to know more.
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