Steven Soderbergh (Pocket Essential series) 电子书下载
Pocket Essentials is a dynamic series of books that are concise, lively, and easy to read. Packed with facts as well as expert opinions, each book has all the key information you need to know about such popular topics as film, television, cult fiction, history, and more. Steven Soderbergh burst onto the independent scene with his provocative, multi-award winning feature debut Sex, Lies and Videotape in 1989. Soderbergh continued to plough his own furrow, producing numerous successful films along the way, such as Out of Sight, Erin Brokovich, and Ocean`s Eleven. As well as having an introductory essay, in this book each of Soderbergh`s films is reviewed and analyzed. There`s a handy reference section listing all the Soderbergh related publications, and a full filmography, including Soderbergh`s tireless work as a producer and cameraman.
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