Arduino Wearable Projects: Design, code, and build exciting wearable projects using Arduino tools 电子书下载
书名:Arduino Wearable Projects: Design, code, and build exciting wearable projects using Arduino tools
The demand for smart wearable technologies is becoming more popular day by day. The Arduino platform was developed keeping wearables, such as watches that track your location or shoes that count the miles you`ve run, in mind. It is basically an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board and a development environment in which you create the software for the board. If you`re interested in designing and creating your own wearables, this is an excellent platform for you. This book provides you with the skills and understanding to create your own wearable projects. The book covers different prototyping boards which are compatible with the Arduino platform and are suitable for creating wearable projects. Each chapter of the book covers a project in which knowledge and skills are introduced gradually, making the book suitable for all kinds of readers.
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