Hemodialysis Vascular Access and Peritoneal Dialysis Access (Contributions to Nephrology) 电子书下载
All you need to know about vascular and peritoneal access techniques Recent developments have spurred a renewed interest in novel solutions to access the patient circulation, mainly concentrating on vascular access for renal replacement therapies and on peritoneal dialysis access. Starting with the epidemiology, the focus then shifts to the evolution of new techniques and monitoring procedures with regard to hemodialysis, which are discussed and evaluated. Attention is also paid to the new biomaterials available, concentrating on their improved biocompatibility and surface characteristics. As developments in the field of peritoneal dialysis have taken a similar turn, new devices providing access to the peritoneal cavity which have recently been made available are introduced next. Last but not least, the management of complications and the continuous maintenance and care of the access with regard to both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are highlighted. This book provides a complete overview of the devices, catheters and methods currently available to ensure successful vascular and peritoneal access. Taking into account both the physiology of the extracorporeal circulation and the mechanisms of peritoneal dialysis with regard to the most adequate access techniques, this is a unique resource for clinicians, investigators and researchers in the field of renal replacement therapy.
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