Child and Adolescent Neurology: Blackwells Neurology and Psychiatry Access Series (Access) 电子书下载
Blackwell’s Neurology and Psychiatry Access Series has been designed to teach the art of diagnosis and treatment of neurologic and mental disease using a rational approach. In this way the trainee specialist can apply both deductive and inductive reasoning to arrive at a diagnosis and formulate a plan for treatment.The Access Series consists of four books:Child & Adolescent PsychiatryAdult PsychiatryChild & Adolescent NeurologyAdult NeurologyIt is the goal of this text in the Blackwell Neurology/Psychiatry Access Series to convey not only essential knowledge but also the collected wisdom of its many highly regarded contributors. To achieve the goal of conveying not only knowledge but wisdom, each volume is divided into three sections:· Tools for Diagnosis· Diseases and Disorders· Common ProblemsAlso included to facilitate a physician’s use of this book are:· Nosologic Diagnosis tables· “Pearls and Perils” boxes· “Consider Consultation When…”· Selected annotated bibliographies· A complete bibliography · Key Clinical Questions and What They UnlockThe Nosologic Diagnosis tables are based on a discriminator model to promote clearer understanding and are superior to a criterion-based model and others that lack similar specificity. This strong emphasis on differential diagnosis and on providing a structure for the understanding of the disease process means that they are true “how to do it” books.This title is now available for the PDA, powered by Skyscape - to buy your copy click here
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