Server-side GPS and Assisted-GPS in Java (Artech House Gnss Technologies and Applications) 电子书下载
Assisted GPS (A-GPS) is a technology that greatly enhances GPS performance and capabilities. This innovative book offers a detailed explanation of the way that an A-GPS server operates from a practical point of view. Engineers learn how A-GPS improves critical aspects of GPS, such as time-to-first-fix (TTFF) and yield. The book focuses on handset-assisted A-GPS, where the server can make use of additional information and perform more effective hybrid calculations. Professionals gain insight into factors affecting accuracy and how these errors can be minimized using A-GPS. Moreover, this unique resource includes example code in Java for all key functions, along with sequence diagrams in UML that help ensure a solid understanding of the material. A CD-ROM is included in this title! This work contains valuable Java source code and example applications that illustrate key points throughout the text. Complete class and sequence diagrams are also provided where applicable. GPS and wireless receiver design engineers and researchers, as well as graduate students in related courses.
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