GNSS Markets and Applications (GNSS Technology and Applications) 电子书下载
Most known for GPS products, the global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) industry is poised for dramatic growth. Many GNSS business experts are predicting ten-fold growth over the next decade to make GNSS a $300-billion industry. This book provides a detailed, accurate picture of the current GNSS marketplace, offering keen insight into future trends. This comprehensive resource provides complete descriptions of all major market segments, highlighting risks and opportunities for growth. Applications have been driving this industry`s expansion, and this book discusses promising new applications for both the commercial and defense sectors. Taking a global perspective on GNSS business, this authoritative volume shows how the industry is being influenced worldwide by systems developed in the U.S., European Union, India, China, and Japan. It also details how government policy is shaping markets in the U.S. and E.U.
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