A Short History of English Literature 电子书下载
Evans Ifor. A Short History of English Literature.Publisher: Penguin UK.Publication date: June 1, 1999.Book length: 400.ISBN-10: 0140134646.ISBN-13: 978-0140134643.From the Publisher.The first edition of Lord Ifor Evans A Short History of English Literature was hailed by the Observer: `Professor Evans writes to the classical model, brief and lucid. He relates the arts to society instead of penning them in the study. As a judge, he is tolerant and undogmatic, but never slack in his standards. He is fair to all and gushes over none.This justice of approach is coupled with a mastery of phrase, which makes the writing lively without being exhibitionistic.² Since its first appearance in 1940, A Short History of English Literature has served countless readers as a perceptive, reliable, and readable guide. This fourth edition revised and extended to include major poets, dramatists, and novelists of the present day provides an invaluable map to the vast field of English literature`.
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