DevOps Automation Cookbook: Over 120 recipes covering key automation techniques through code management and virtualization offered by modern Infrastructure as a Service 电子书下载
书名:DevOps Automation Cookbook: Over 120 recipes covering key automation techniques through code management and virtualization offered by modern Infrastructure as a Service
There has been a recent explosion in tools that allow you to redefine the delivery of infrastructure and applications, using a combination of automation and testing to deliver continuous deployment. DevOps has garnered interest from every quarter, and is rapidly being recognized as a radical shift, as large as the Agile movement for the delivery of software. This book takes a collection of some of the coolest software available today and shows you how to use it to create impressive changes to the way you deliver applications and software. It tackles the plethora of tools that are now available to enable organizations to take advantage of the automation, monitoring, and configuration management techniques that define a DevOps-driven infrastructure.
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