Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Quickstart Guide, 2nd Edition: Deliver quality software regularly and painlessly by adopting CD and DevOps

Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Quickstart Guide, 2nd Edition: Deliver quality software regularly and painlessly by adopting CD and DevOps 电子书下载

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书名:Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Quickstart Guide, 2nd Edition: Deliver quality software regularly and painlessly by adopting CD and DevOps

Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Quickstart Guide, 2nd Edition: Deliver quality software regularly and painlessly by adopting CD and DevOps.jpg

Continuous Delivery (CD) and DevOps are fast becoming the next big thing(s) in relation to the delivery and support of software. This updated edition provides you with a clear and concise insight in to what CD and DevOps are all about, how to go about preparing for and implementing them, and what quantifiable business value they bring. You will be guided through the various stages of CD and DevOps adoption, the impact they will have on you and your business, how you can overcome common problems, and what to do once CD and DevOps have become embedded in your ways of working. Included within are some real-world examples, tricks, tips, and observations that should help ease the adoption and allow you to fully utilize CD and DevOps to deliver quality software.

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