Theoretical Elasticity

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书名:Theoretical Elasticity

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This highly regarded hardcover engineering manual is mainly concerned with three important aspects of elasticity theory: finite elastic deformations, complex variable methods for two-dimensional problems for both isotropic and aeolotropic bodies, and shell theory. Also discussed are three-dimensional problems for isotropic and transversely isotropic bodies. Chapter 1, devoted to mathematical preliminaries, includes a summary of tensors for workers unfamiliar with those notations. Subsequent chapters deal with the general theory of elasticity for finite deformations, solutions of a number of special problems, mostly for incompressible isotropic bodies, a theory of small deformations superposed on finite deformations, classical infinitesimal theory of elasticity, the theory of plane strain, plate theory, plane problems for isotropic bodies, and for aeolotropic bodies. The last chapters, 10-16, are devoted to the theory of shells. For this second edition, the authors added material on thermodynamics, as well as a new chapter dealing with methods of deriving membrane theory, inextensional theory, and bending theory, by asymptotic expansions of the three-dimensional linear elastic equations. Unabridged Dover republication of the second edition published by Oxford University Press, 1968. Prefaces. 25 black-and-white illustrations.

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