Le patrimoine fortifié du lignage de Neufchâtel-Bourgogne (XIIIe-XVIe siècles) 电子书下载
The seigneurial families are rarely a framework for reflection of the castral phenomenon. The Neufchatel-Burgundy’s lineage is particularly interesting for two reasons. Firstly, for its social rise between the 13th and 16th centuries and secondly, for its 37 castles which are settled through several medieval principalities, from County of Burgundy to the Duchy of Luxembourg. The historical approach allows to decrypt the territorial strategy and the adaptability to manage his familial demography. The archeology of architecture shows family’s role into construction and development of its castles. Both of these methods help for comprehension of the functions of the castles (residence, defense, administration, economy and influence) and their evolutions. Finally, it shows the mechanisms of a castral network and how exchanges between castles can overcome the borders of the principalities.
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