Managing in a Downturn (Financial Times Series) 电子书下载
LEADING PERSPECTIVES ON THE RECESSION Managing in a Downturn brings together the world`s leading business thinkers on the big questions confronting managers and executives in today`s painfully credit-crunched times. * What can businesses do to minimise short-term pain and maximise long-term competitive advantage? * Are there lessons to be learned from previous downturns? * And what will the future business environment look like? This premium collection of cutting edge business thinking will help you get a clear perspective on the downturn, how it could affect your business and how to manage through it. Hear what the experts have to say. With the recession now clutching us in a firm grip, it can be difficult to think beyond the doom and gloom. For senior managers and executives, navigating through turbulent times is never easy. From Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers to General Motors and Woolworths, the fall-out from the first severe downturn of the 21st century has yet to play itself out.In such uncertain times, the instinctive reaction can be to cut costs and hunker down until things get better. But retreating into a protective shell is not always the right decision for the long term health of your business. Indeed, a downturn can present a great opportunity for companies to reposition themselves, scour the market for good deals, recruit talent from competitors and, ultimately, equip themselves for sustainable long-term success. Managing in a Downturn brings together a range of leading business experts to offer their observations and new business thinking on surviving and even better, thriving in an economic downturn
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